The Next Two Month's Activities    Follow us on   Face

Every Third Tuesday Refreshments in the cottage garden from 10 a.m. to 12 noon with tea or coffee and biscuits at just £1.00. Enjoy sitting in the sun or under the apple trees. Visit the museums at the same time for Free, although a donation would be appreciated to help maintain them. Also local history books and cards are for sale, as well as plants and home-made preserves. This include the new book, "Postcards from Frinton's Sea Front".

Coffee or Tea  

The Cottage Garden, with the kitchen, can be hired by members for a fee of £30 per session. There is the morning session 10 am to Noon or afternoon session 2 pm to 4 pm. Gazebos, tables are available for an additional charge. Membership is £15 a Single or £25 for a Dual. Membership form

The proposed new Constitution will soon be available here, once it has been agreed by the Committee.



On Friday 13th September, Lord David Thorpe of Mearns officially opened Frinton & Walton Heritage Trust’s new Heritage Centre in Pole Barn Lane, Frinton. Photo by Martin Leech CPAGB.

Trevor Bright Railway Museum

The museum is now closed for refurbishment and will re-open at Easter 2025.

After 1st November, it will again be possible to arrange a private visit by phoning Tony Barrett on 01255 674678

Winter Social Evenings Talks

McGrigor Hall, Fourth Ave, Frinton on Sea 7:00 for 7:30 pm

Admission £5 Members , £7 non-members, Tea and Coffee available from 7 pm

Tuesday 1st April  Essex Air Ambulance

Friday 18th to Monday 21st April 

Easter Opening, New Museum & Heritage Centre, 120 Pole Barn Lane

Friday, Saturaday & Monday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Sunday 11:00 am to 3:00 pm 

Display by Clacton Camera Club and New Temporary Exhibition 


Trevor Bright Railway Museum, Crossing Cottage 

2:00 to 4:00 pm

Saturday, 26th April Spring Fair in Crossing Cottage

 10:30 am to 1 pm Admission £1

Plants, Home-made Cakes & Preserves, Jewellery and toiletries for sale. Bottle tombola. Refreshments available.

Details of future fundraising and social events can be found on our events page or Facebook.

Exhibitions and Museums OPEN to ALL

At the Cottage Museum - Renowned historical people with connections with the local area.

Trevor Bright Railway Museum - The closing of the Kirby Cross Goods Yard in 1964 and Worldwide Trams

The Heritgate Centre will be open at Easter and May Banks Holidays and then weekends from June to September.

For CHILDREN, why not visit Essex local museums Wheel of Time exhibition and collect a badge at each museum.

Access: Our museums are located in old railway buildings which are not fully disable accessible. Our displays are desk height & wall mounted. Our gardens are accessible with paved paths and lawns. There are steps into the museum buildings. If you require assistance our volunteers will do their best to help. Please ask for help, if required.
Refreshments are available when staffed. Rest areas are available inside the museums and outside in the gardens. Toilet & small shop area.

If you would like to pledge a donation directly please let us know, contacts detail are below. We also welcome membership requests, visitor feedback and are particularly keen to hear if you have something that may be of interest for our archives/collections.

Frinton & Walton Heritage Trust is extremely grateful to all who have contributed, by whatever means, to its success over the past 40 years. Only with your support can the Trust continue to protect local heritage for the enjoyment of present and future generations.